Purpose of Commerce Performance Data Pro
Show the American public the Department's impact and progress
You can easily understand the progress the Department is making on our Strategic Goals and Objectives by exploring our Commerce Impact Stories and interacting with our Citizen's View Dashboards, charts, key performance indicators (KPIs), and featured datasets. Whether you are a researcher, business, or interested citizen, the Commerce Performance Data Pro website shares engaging stories and data about the Department's programs that impact your daily life. You can interact with our performance data, monitor our efforts to strengthen the U.S. economy, and learn more about our efforts to improve the many critical services we provide.
Commerce Performance Data Pro provides citizens who are interested in the Department of Commerce and want to stay informed about our progress with the following innovative capabilities:
● Commerce Impact Stories about our focus areas and new strategic objectives
● Citizen's View Dashboards that summarize progress on our strategic plan and show each bureau's performance
● Access to more than 200 KPI Insights tiles that measure program results
● Ability to connect directly to datasets using an Application Programming Interface (API)
Enable learning and improvement
By using metadata to cross-walk the Department's KPIs with their Strategic Objective, Program Activity, and Bureau, Commerce Performance Data Pro provides the Department a unique level of organizational performance insight compared to other cabinet-level Federal government departments.
Commerce Performance Data Pro makes more data available and accessible by presenting information in a visually appealing and interactive way. Its dashboards and charts reveal patterns and trends that make key insights obvious to viewers.
At the Department of Commerce, we strive to instill a data-driven and learning culture into our organizational DNA. This website is important tool to support the Department's periodic progress updates on our 5 Strategic Goals and 23 Strategic Objectives. Its innovative capabilities, interactive open data, and ease of use directly supports the Department's approach to improve learning and increase the use of program impact and performance data in decision-making.
Provide a publicly accessible repository of Commerce performance data
The Commerce Performance Data Pro website serves as a publicly accessible repository of more than 200 Commerce key performance indicator authoritative datasets. It sets a new standard for providing the American public with accessible data and information about the Department's operations, contributions, and progress in achieving our mission.