Commerce Performance Excellence Office

Our role and functions

As part of the Office of the Chief Financial Officer and Assistant Secretary for Administration (CFO/ASA) within the Office of the Secretary, the Commerce Performance Excellence Office implements the Department's Federal performance management requirements. We develop and monitor of the Department's Strategic Plan and Agency Priority Goals. Additionally, we provide authoritative guidance and training on performance indicators, program evaluation, process improvement, and customer service. 
Performance management cycle
We manage the following required Federal government cycle of core processes that inform policy, budget formulation, and management decisions:
  • Strategic Planning
  • Analyzing and Reviewing Progress
  • Public Reporting
This cycle provides the foundation for engaging Department leadership in performance improvement and creating a data-driven culture that improves our mission impact.
Picture of Department of Commerce Performance Team Strategist
Driving performance management beyond compliance to real impact
Connection – We serve as a critical hinge pin between the Office of the Secretary and Bureau leadership and staff who develop, govern and implement the Department’s Strategic Plan and strategies.
Collaboration – We collaborate with each bureau’s performance and evaluation staff through the Performance Excellence Council (PEC), Department-wide performance initiatives, and tailored consulting projects.
Engagement – We encourage every Commerce employee to be empowered to participate in performance management.
Information – We strive to instill a data-driven and learning culture into our organizational DNA.
Customer Focus – We promote the evolution of “lean processes” that respond to customer requirements and provide a positive customer experience.
The Commerce Performance Management Framework
The Department of Commerce uses a systems-based management framework that aligns and integrates leadership, strategic planning, employee engagement, process management, business information, and customer input into feedback loops that produce continuous learning and improvement. 
We encourage every employee to be empowered to participate in performance management. 
We use key performance indicators, enterprise risk management, and program evaluation to increase evidence to support the Department’s budget formulation and decision-making.
This framework aligns with the U.S. Executive Office of the President, Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular A-11: Preparation, Submission, and Execution of the Budget.  
Picture of Commerce Performance Management Framework
Managing commerce performance data 
Our office manages all the Commerce Impact Stories, Citizen's View Dashboards, KPI Insights tiles, and other content within the Commerce Performance Data Pro system. We curate all the datasets within the integrated data warehouse that powers all the system's interactive charts and data visualizations.